Drain cleaning worked out well

Drain cleaning worked out well

I thought I was really good about trapping the hair and removing it Drainage has been a huge issue in my household lately. The water down my sink drains so slowly. The tub water seems to be stuck in there forever. I get a lot of soap, grime, and scud build up due to the

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Drain cleaning worked out great

Drain cleaning worked out great

Drainage has been a big issue in my home lately, but the water down my sink drains so slowly. The tub water seems to be stuck in there forever! I get a lot of soap, grime, plus scud build up due to the slow draining water. I have tried cleaning around the drain plus using

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Drain cleaning worked out awesome

Drain cleaning worked out awesome

Drainage has been a huge issue in my household lately, however the water down my sink drains so slowly. The tub water seems to be stuck in there forever, however i get a lot of soap, grime, & scud build up due to the slow draining water. I have tried cleaning around the drain &

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Drain cleaning worked out fantastic

Drain cleaning worked out fantastic

Drainage has been a crucial issue in my house lately… The water down my sink drains so slowly. The tub water seems to be stuck in there forever… I get a lot of soap, grime, plus scud build up due to the slow draining water. I have tried cleaning around the drain plus using a

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Drain cleaning worked out so nicely

Drain cleaning worked out so nicely

Drainage has been a big issue in my condo lately, and the water down my sink drains so slowly. The tub water seems to be stuck in there forever, and i get a lot of soap, grime, plus scud build up due to the slow draining water. I have tried cleaning around the drain plus

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Getting proactive for summer HVAC savings

Getting proactive for summer HVAC savings

It’s that time of year again. I realize that it’s only the start of February but that’s pre-spring for us. I live far enough south that we are actually already seeing pollen starting to cover the cars. It’s not full on yet but it has started. As soon as I have to wash any pollen

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HVAC air volume sizing is critical

HVAC air volume sizing is critical

I spend a lot of time inside the zone controlled HVAC of the office trying to find a better way. What I mean is that my job is to find ways to cut costs and take advantage of weaknesses. That sounds worse than it is but that’s basic to my career. However, this sort of

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HVAC upgrade completes renovation

HVAC upgrade completes renovation

I wasn’t so sure that work on this house would ever end. But going into this project, I knew there was going to be a lot of work. My wife and I have tackled other home renovations in other houses. Yet, we had never taken on a project of this scale and scope. We bought

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Leaving thermostat discipline to HVAC technology

Leaving thermostat discipline to HVAC technology

I guess I’m just tired of dealing with being the air conditioning sheriff. That’s pretty much what it comes down to. I’m done with trying to get everyone in my house to pull the same way when it comes to saving on heating and cooling costs. We totally have the heating costs wired so that’s

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heating maintenance plans are good

heating maintenance plans are good

Keeping up with all of the household chores can be a difficult task, especially if you have young children to take care of. Some people opt for a handyman to repair things around the home as they just don’t have the time to do it themselves. Others can’t do that kind of manual labor for

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Furnace filters are on sale

Furnace filters are on sale

Having a great day so far at work and we hope you are too. Some days seem to go by really fast while other days it seems as though the clock has stopped and the batteries need to be changed. Today is one of those good days though where the time passes without incident. It

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Electric vs gas furnaces

Electric vs gas furnaces

Well, we just saw another amazing sunset tonight and we are hoping tomorrow we get a good one as well. In the wintertime here you can see some really good colors in the sky as the sun is out over the sea, but in the summer the sun sets way behind us in the mountains

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Boiler installation in the home and office

Boiler installation in the home and office

Just went for the morning dip and now it is back to work in the office for a few hours. Today is going to be a half day of work because it is a holiday and a lot of employees will only be here for a couple hours. Tomorrow we will be closed for another

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What is a cooling rep?

What is a cooling rep?

They may also be responsible for performing maintenance and repair services to keep the cooling system in top condition Being a business owner for many years, I could write a book on everything I have learned over that time. I’ve made a lot of mistakes along the way but have also made a lot of

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Talk about the heating industry

Talk about the heating industry

Since it is so cold out right now I would like to touch on a topic to keep everyone feeling warm. Yes, we could talk about volcanoes and bonfires but let us try to touch on something that everyone seems to be interested in now; heat! And while we are talking about that we may

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Radiant space heaters for the flat

Radiant space heaters for the flat

Today is Wednesday and we are cruising through the workweek nicely. The weather is cold and there is no sign of reprieve for the next few months. Our town doesn’t get any snow but it gets very cold and some mornings there is frost on the ground. The best is when we go for a

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