For our anniversary this year, my husband and I didn’t want to spend money on anything that wasn’t practical.
I had a hard time coming up with something that would be a good present for him, though! I started to think about things that he likes and doesn’t like, and one of the things that he hates having to worry about around the house is our heating and cooling system. He hates changing the air filters and doing all of the upkeep and maintenance work for the air conditioning system and the furnace. So I felt that I would do something to help keep him from being stressed out all the time. He is always worrying about all of the things around the house that he has to do, and I thought that I would take something off of his plate. That’s when I decided to call up the local heating and cooling company and get us signed up for their seasonal maintenance plan. Well, actually I called to get them to sign us up for the seasonal maintenance plan, but then I ended up getting signed up for their regular maintenance plan instead. They are going to be coming to our house once a month to double check our heating ankleing system for us and to change the air filters and do any troubleshooting that needs to be done. When I told my husband what I had done, he was so happy! He is very excited that he doesn’t have to worry about the heating and cooling system anymore.