Office politics causes heating issues

Office politics causes heating issues

When my husband first took his job as an accountant downtown, he was really excited about making manager one day. He worked long hours, went in on weekends, and pretty much did whatever the boss wanted. He thought that all of this was showing his loyalty to the company and that he would be rewarded

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Wife sets up security cam, pointed at control unit

Wife sets up security cam, pointed at control unit

I know this for a fact, because she promptly moved the security camera to point at the control device rather than the front door Several months ago my great friend and I had a break-in in our home. Ever since then I have both been a bit paranoid about the security functions around our city!

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Old house. Tiny window!

Old house. Tiny window!

When my husband and I decided to move back to his hometown to raise our kids many things changed to drastically. The first major change came when we went to look for a house and realized that the prices were much higher than we thought they were. We came to the realization quickly that we

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Wife sets up security cam, pointed at thermostat

Wife sets up security cam, pointed at thermostat

Unluckyly, it turns out that she was a lot more concerned about our indoor air handling system than the security of our costly technological devices Several months ago my friend and I had a break-in in our home. Ever since then my friend and I have both been a bit paranoid about the security functions

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My first car did not have air conditioning

My first car did not have air conditioning

Growing up is not as fun as I once thought that it would be. I used to dream of being an adult when I was a young girl, but I wish that I would have just enjoyed being a child. Do not get me wrong, I did have times when I enjoyed being a kid,

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Lectured by the HVAC tech for missing appointments

Lectured by the HVAC tech for missing appointments

I will admit, I have canceled a few routine HVAC appointments in the past couple of years Sometimes you really don’t want anybody’s negativity being pointed in your direction. I am generally at my breaking point when it comes to the negative words floating around in my head on any given day. I really don’t

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I bought a humidifier for my son’s home office

I bought a humidifier for my son’s home office

I care about being a Dad to my three lovely children. My wife plus I tried to have children for years before God fortunate us with our first little girl, however she is so sweet plus so rare to us, and about two years later, I gave birth to our second little girl, Addie, plus

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HVAC worker tried to sell my friend unnecessary services

HVAC worker tried to sell my friend unnecessary services

As a woman, I have personally experienced salespeople trying to sell me unnecessary products or services because they guess I am naive. This has mainly happened to me at the car dealership. I have observed that when my wife has been with me, the salespeople do not have the same conversations with me as they

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My cat has the perfect life

My cat has the perfect life

I know that many people do not like cats plus I can’t understand why. They say that they are legitimately independent plus only allow you to pet them or provide them attention when they decide that they want it. This may be tploy of some cats even though I can tell you that mine is

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Causes of poor indoor air quality

Causes of poor indoor air quality

Spring is just around the corner and I couldn’t be more excited for the warm weather that will be upon us very soon. When the warm weather comes around I will swap out the winter clothes out of my closet and take the warmer clothes from upstairs and stick them in my closet. I find

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Drain cleaning worked out great

Drain cleaning worked out great

Drainage has been a big issue in my home lately, but the water down my sink drains so slowly. The tub water seems to be stuck in there forever! I get a lot of soap, grime, plus scud build up due to the slow draining water. I have tried cleaning around the drain plus using

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Air conditioners needed in new sites

Air conditioners needed in new sites

I am a part of a pet group on social media. Many of the member are from the UK and they are experiencing a hotter than average summer time season. Many were complaining of the 85 degree temperatures while it is well over 90 in the part of the US where I live and it

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Having no clue how to use a portable cooling system

Having no clue how to use a portable cooling system

When my child called in a panic the other day, I thought “what happened this time?”, then i can tell you that these types of calls are a normal occurance ever since she moved out. My enjoyable friend and I thought my friend and I had prepared her for independent life, however, this obviously was

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The furnace won’t labor if the air conditioning is on

The furnace won’t labor if the air conditioning is on

I woke up at 2 in the morning plus observed that cold air was blowing on my face. Periodically our furnace blows cold air for just a second before it turns warm. I waited several minutes plus the air never turned warm. It just kept blowing cold air. I was undoubtedly tired plus had to

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Bonding experience backfires.

Bonding experience backfires.

She said that her roommates plus she did anything however bond as they argued over who had to get up plus put wood on the fire so that they wouldn’t be cold at evening plus when my sister wanted to open the windows for fresh air while in the day, one of the others said

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