The air conditioning in my house is ruining my marriage because of the fact that my feet are cold all the time.
I know that this sounds completely off the wall, but let me assure you that it is exactly what is happening.
My husband and I fight literally all the time about the fact that my feet are too cold all the time. I always tell him that having cold feet the way that I do is something that I cannot help, but he thinks that I do it on purpose for some reason. Whenever he says that and then he gets mad at me, it always makes me so furious with him. It’s like he can’t even think about the fact that I’m the one who is suffering from cold feet all the time! I really don’t think that he even thinks about me at all most of the time. I can’t believe that he is acting like this now. I feel like I was duped into marrying him at this point. At this point, I feel like he is probably one of the most selfish people that I know! I can’t believe that I’m married to him when he won’t even let me turn on the air conditioning during the summer. He says that if I turn on the air conditioning and the house then my feet are just gonna be even colder! And while that may be true for the most part, I still don’t want to live through the whole entire summer without turning on the central air conditioning system because my husband is afraid that I’m going to put my cold feet on him when I get into bed at night. I think that he is just being a big baby.