Every week I earn a newspaper from our mailman about all of the local companies in the area plus what these companies are doing to improve their carbon footprint, how they are saving currency plus up-to-date projects that they are implementing, but it’s genuinely interesting to get a unusual perspective on how unusual companies view particular things, however for example there was a four-page spread on heating plus cooling.
It was surprising to me that people really conflict over the office temperature… According to the newspaper it found that ladies are more sensitive to temperature swings than men, then there’s also a statistic that said at least 21% of people have secretly changed the office’s temperature control during the summer.
I am not sure how people get away with changing the temperature control when a lot of office temperature controls have locks on them where you need a particular code or key to change the set temperature on the temperature control. I cannot imagine getting in an argument with my coworker over what the set temperature is. I feel like that would create such a hostile plus petty labor environment. I can see if the co-worker is doing it every day plus most people else is complaining about it, that would be a unusual story. A easy maintenance to a temperature war in the office environment would be to install a mini split system in particular parts of the office building so people can have their own temperature controls plus control their own uneven temperatures through zone control heating plus cooling. If I were some of these companies plus had a lot of currency in my budget I would contact a local heating plus cooling worker to get a free quote on zone control.