What is a cooling rep?

What is a cooling rep?

They may also be responsible for performing maintenance and repair services to keep the cooling system in top condition Being a business owner for many years, I could write a book on everything I have learned over that time. I’ve made a lot of mistakes along the way but have also made a lot of

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Different kinds of heating devices

Different kinds of heating devices

There is a lot of new technology out in today’s world as well as sifting through it all can be exhausting. Luckily, my friend and I did the labor for you today so all you have to do is study it. There are a lot of unusual types of systems in homes as well as

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Electric Resistance Heating

Electric Resistance Heating

My coworker that I have known for the past four years at my current task invited me to his dwelling the other morning. She is much younger than me so I have been able to live vicariously through her; She and his husband just purchased their first dwelling together. My husband and I purchased our

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Super chilly ipad lab

Super chilly ipad lab

Recently I’ve been having some issues with my roommate, then normally my buddy and I get along fantastic but for the last few weeks that has not been the case; We’ve been arguing as well as she has been turning her rock n roll up seriously loud; My associate and I are in college as

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My animal has the perfect life

My animal has the perfect life

I know that numerous people do not like cats and I can’t understand why. They say that they are very independent and only allow you to pet them or give them attention when they decide that they want it. This may be true of some cats however I can tell you that mine is not

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The right timeframe for changing your furnace

The right timeframe for changing your furnace

My mom always calls me for things. This is mainly because she does not have a computer at her home or a smartphone, however she wants me to look up things for her that she does not know how to do. She called me the other afternoon to ask me about her Heating, Ventilation, &

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Standing air cleaners worked fine

Standing air cleaners worked fine

When it comes to controlling the indoor air quality in your apartment I know that there are a lot of people that like to use things like HEPA filters, plus UV light filters, & while those are truly both wonderful & viable options, I prefer just to use the laying air cleaners; Sure they’re not

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Having no clue how to use a portable air conditioner

Having no clue how to use a portable air conditioner

When my boy called in a panic the other afternoon, I thought “what happened this time?”, then i can tell you that these types of calls are a normal occurance ever since he moved out. My great friend and I thought my pal and I had prepared his for independent life, however, this apparently was

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Never thought I’d be the boss

Never thought I’d be the boss

Even then, I found myself feeling restless plus unhappy I’m not the sort of guy who I would consider to be an authority figure. I am a bit of a mess plus I assumed that it translates into my professional work. Apparently, I was wrong with that assumption. It seems like my task is giving

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Got hot and wasted money while trying to save money

Got hot and wasted money while trying to save money

I told her that next weekend, we would go to real brick-and-mortar shops to find it My mom talked me into going to a flea market with her on one of the hottest days of the year and most of the booths did not have air conditioning. We spent hours walking around looking at other

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I only hire guys with at least three years of experience

I only hire guys with at least three years of experience

My heating and AC repair business has been open for 20 years and I have more than 50 different employees. Because I service the entire community for heating and AC repairs, it’s important that I hire service technicians that have experience. I regularly only hire guys with at least 3 years of experience. I try

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Old house. Tiny window!

Old house. Tiny window!

When my hubby plus I decided to transfer back to his hometown to raise our adolescents various things changed to extremely. The first major change came when my associate and I went to look for a house plus realized that the prices were much higher than my associate and I thought they were, but my

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I bought a humidifier for my son’s dining room

I bought a humidifier for my son’s dining room

I cherish being a mom to my three charming children; My spouse plus I tried to have children for years before God blessed us with our first little girl! She is so sweet plus so precious to us. About two years later, I gave birth to our second little girl, Addie, plus last year, I

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Living alone and setting the thermostat how you want

Living alone and setting the thermostat how you want

I recently got my own apartment for the very first time. I’ve always lived with friends or boyfriends but decided it was finally time for me to move out on my own. I was a little nervous because I wasn’t sure what to expect since I’m used to having people around me all the time.

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