I got a window device for my anniversary

I got a window device for my anniversary

People look at me unusual when they ask me what I got for my anniversary and I tell them I got an air conditioner. Well it is the truth. I got an air conditioner for my anniversary and I could not be happier; Yes our apartment has central air conditioner and heating. However, I am

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When to change one’s thermostat

When to change one’s thermostat

My hubby is an Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C contractor so our apartment is constantly modern plus unquestionably on top of the service of our Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C system plus thermostat. My best neighbor just called me recently in regards to her thermostat, i pretty much should be an Heating, Ventilation

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Electric Resistance Heating

Electric Resistance Heating

My coworker that I have known for the past four years at my up-to-date job invited me to her home the other day. She is much younger than me so I have been able to live vicariously through her, however she and her husband just bought their first home together. My husband and I bought

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Goosebumps or sweat; take your pick

Goosebumps or sweat; take your pick

These afternoons it seems like everything is doomed to be incredibly uncomfortable. The new state of the world is panic inducing no matter how you look at it. I feel like there are no right moves because it’s poor to stay inside plus keep your shops shuttered. At the same time, it’s incredibly dangerous plus

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I Made The Biggest Heating plus Air Conditioning Sale

I Made The Biggest Heating plus Air Conditioning Sale

One afternoon, during the lobby of my dormitory, I overheard some construction workers talking about the a/c not laboring In college, I always had two or three jobs while taking classes full time in order to pay the bills, during my sophomore year, I was gave a job with an Heating plus Air Conditioning company

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Drain cleaning worked out great

Drain cleaning worked out great

Drainage has been a big issue in my home lately, but the water down my sink drains so slowly. The tub water seems to be stuck in there forever! I get a lot of soap, grime, plus scud build up due to the slow draining water. I have tried cleaning around the drain plus using

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They Charged Me For Calling

They Charged Me For Calling

I hate having to have my Heating, Ventilation & A/C system maintained twice per year. I understand the importance of having my furnace and a/c looked at by a certified Heating, Ventilation & A/C professional, however sometimes I don’t suppose I’m getting my currency’s worth. I live in a honestly rural area and there is

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When to update one’s control unit

When to update one’s control unit

My husband is an HVAC worker so our house is consistently current as well as undoubtedly on top of the service of our HVAC system as well as control unit! My best buddy just called me recently in regards to his control unit, however i pretty much should be an HVAC worker because all the

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No the house is not haunted.

No the house is not haunted.

When I child came condo this past winter time for two weeks my associate and I were happy to have her visit, then ever since graduating college she has lived in the town and my associate and I miss her a lot, and it seems that her visits are farther apart and my associate and

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My cat has the perfect life

My cat has the perfect life

I know that many people do not like cats and I can’t understand why. They say that they are very independent and only allow you to pet them or give them attention when they decide that they want it. This may be true of some cats but I can tell you that mine is not

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I got a window machine for my birthday

I got a window machine for my birthday

People look at me odd when they ask me what I got for my birthday plus I tell them I got an a/c. Well it is the truth. I got an a/c for my birthday plus I could not be happier, yes our house has central a/c plus heating. However, I am always hot. It

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Never thought I’d be the boss

Never thought I’d be the boss

I’m not the sort of person who I would consider to be an authority figure. I am a bit of a mess and I assumed that it translates into my professional career. Apparently, I was wrong with that assumption. It seems like my job is giving me current chances and responsibilities all the time. No

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Swimming pool or get an air conditioner

Swimming pool or get an air conditioner

A few years ago, our family started kicking around the idea of installing a swimming pool… Our three children were all for it, imagining pool parties, floating on foam chairs getting suntans, plus generally staying cool during the hottest months of the summer. As the parents, my friend and I played devil’s advocate, pointing out

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I love hotel air conditioning

I love hotel air conditioning

Even though I do not like road trips, I do love staying in hotels. My husband is more of a rustic kind of guy, so he prefers to stay in cabins or tents, but I hate staying in both cabins and tents. I love hotels. They are luxury to me. I do a lot of

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When he turned the AC on, the dog would cry.

When he turned the AC on, the dog would cry.

We weren’t sure what was going on, but every time the air conditioning unit turned on, the dog would cry. He was still a puppy, and I thought it could be the noise coming from the air conditioning that was annoying him. My husband thought he may have an ear infection, or ear mites. I

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