Bathroom ceiling leak at work leads to ductwork problems

Bathroom ceiling leak at work leads to ductwork problems

I really enjoy where I work. It’s low key, I don’t have many coworkers and there is no drama. I believe that a drama free workplace is what contributes to the overall success of a company. The big picture of a company is formulated through the attitudes and work performance from employees. This is certainly

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Watch out for bees!

Watch out for bees!

As if there isn’tenough to be distraught about these mornings, now obviously I have to be on the lookout for insects. I’ve never particularly been the type of person who is bothered by a few bugs or even arachnids. It doesn’t bother me when I have creepy crawly critters in my environment. I am more

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Numb fingers make it hard to get toil done

Numb fingers make it hard to get toil done

Working in a sales office can be really hectic. My great friend and I are consistently trying to entice current clients as well as much of the time is spent in meetings with them. Getting ready for those meetings takes up the rest of my toil afternoons. Before I can even set the appointment I

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Lectured by the Heating as well as A/C tech for missing appointments

Lectured by the Heating as well as A/C tech for missing appointments

I will admit, I have canceled a few routine Heating as well as A/C appointments in the past couple of years Sporadically you really don’t want anybody’s negativity being pointed in your direction. I am generally at my splitting point when it comes to the drawback words floating around in my head on any given

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Things are cooling off in our town

Things are cooling off in our town

Working from condo today is a nice change as our supplier is doing inventory this week as well as nobody is at the locale except for a skeleton crew of about four people. I will go there sometime this week to check on their progress, however other than that it is going to be laboring

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Waking up my boyfriend for being too hot at night

Waking up my boyfriend for being too hot at night

In the middle of the night, it is the worst when you wake up too hot. I hate sweating in the bed and my boyfriend is the worst when it comes to getting sweaty at night. It doesn’t matter what temperature my house it set to, one of us always gets hot and sweaty in

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Electric Heated Floors

Electric Heated Floors

I am always so cold. My family will make fun of me even in the summertime when I wake up in the day with a sweatshirt and sweatpants in the middle of summer. Periodically I wonder if there’s something wrong with me. My feeling cold gets even worse when the winter season months come. I

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Things are cooling off in our town

Things are cooling off in our town

Working from home this week is a nice change as our contractor is doing inventory this week plus nobody is at the location except for a skeleton crew of about four people. I will go there sometime this week to check on their progress, but other than that it is going to be toiling from

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A flyer on my door

A flyer on my door

This afternoon when I got up and left the apartment I saw there was a flyer on my door. At first I grabbed it off the door and was about to throw it away without even looking at it, and we have sales people that come by all the time here and I figured it

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Waking up my girlfriend for being too warm at evening

Waking up my girlfriend for being too warm at evening

In the middle of the evening, it is the worst when you wake up too hot, then i hate dripping with sweat in the bed as well as my girlfriend is the worst when it comes to getting tepid at evening. It does not matter what temperature my house it set to, one of us

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Pool is heated however locker room is not

Pool is heated however locker room is not

I was super happy to learn that our new gated community has a heated pool. It was one of the sizable selling points and deciding factors for us to buy a apartment in this community. I used to swim competitively back in private school. But adolescents and life got in the way and I haven’t

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Electric Resistance Heating

Electric Resistance Heating

My coworker that I have known for the past four years at my current job invited me to her home the other day. She is much younger than me so I have been able to live vicariously through her. She and her husband just bought their first home together. My husband and I bought our

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Moving into a home with modern heating technology

Moving into a home with modern heating technology

Moving into a new home can be an exciting time for all. There are new neighbors to meet and new things to see in your area. The home can also have a lot of features that are new and that you have to learn about. Some homes are smart homes and operate by modern technology

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Don't change the temperature on the thermostat too often

Don't change the temperature on the thermostat too often

Then, in the evening, I would turn the thermostat down a couple degrees because sleep is aided by a cooler environment I have a tendency to want things exactly a certain way. The temperature in a room is something I obsess over. For the longest time, I had a bad habit concerning this. I would

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Increase Comfort in the winter with a Humidifier

Increase Comfort in the winter with a Humidifier

The combination of heated air and tightly insulated houses can reduce humidity indoors, resulting in scratchy throats, frequent nosebleeds, dry skin, and static electricity in the winter. The easy solution to all these complications is to install a humidifier, which increases the moisture levels in certain rooms or throughout the entire house. A humidity level

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Watch out for bees!

Watch out for bees!

As if there is not enough to be distraught about these afternoons, now apparently I have to be on the lookout for insects. I’ve never absolutely been the type of person who is bothered by a few bugs or even arachnids. It doesn’t bother me when I have creepy crawly critters in my environment. I

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