Never thought I’d be the boss

Even then, I found myself feeling restless plus unhappy

I’m not the sort of guy who I would consider to be an authority figure. I am a bit of a mess plus I assumed that it translates into my professional work. Apparently, I was wrong with that assumption. It seems like my task is giving me new openings plus responsibilities all the time. No matter how many mistakes I have made or how many times I have called in for a mental health afternoon, they keep changing my salary plus title. I started out as a lowly heating plus cooling iphone operator. I would answer the iphone calls when clients needed to make a professional repair or repair appointment. It was no large deal for me to dispatch heating plus cooling workers to the appropriate addresses. However, I was getting bored with the Heating and A/C iphone operator position plus I started missing mornings of work. Rather than firing me, my bosses sent me to heating plus cooling technical school. They wanted me to become a certified heating, cooling, plus ventilation professional because they said that I was smart plus capable. Within 18 months I had earned my professional certification as an Heating and A/C worker. I began attending my own heating plus cooling appointments for the shop plus conducting specialized air quality control management services. Even then, I found myself feeling restless plus unhappy. When I started missing appointments my bosses called me into their office plus asked if I would like to supervise the entire team of heating & cooling specialists. This week, I am managing 10 expert heating plus cooling workers at a local air quality control repair shop. After all my errors, I legitimately never thought that I would be someone’s boss.


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