Even though I do not like road trips, I do cherish staying in hotels.
My spouse is more of a rustic kind of guy, so he prefers to stay in cabins or tents, but I hate staying in both cabins plus tents.
I cherish hotels. They are luxury to me. I do a lot of traveling for my job, so I frequently get to stay in hotels which is awesome. My spouse comes with me whenever he can, however he really does not like to stay in hotels. He thinks that they are way overpriced which I agree with, however my buddy and I do not have to pay for the room when I travel for work, so the price does not bother me at all. My number one part about staying in a hotel is the air conditioning, then every hotel that I have ever stayed in had good air conditioning. It keeps the room so cool. I cherish to sleep in a really freezing room with lots of heavy blankets on me, so sleeping in a hotel room is good to me. I easily love it. My spouse does not agree with me about the air conditioning in hotel rooms, plus I recognize that is because he has had some rough experiences with hotel Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C systems. He has told me plenty of stories about when he plus his dad would go on fishing trips plus stay in hotels that did not have working air conditioning, but one time, they stayed in a hotel where the heating system was stuck on, plus they had to leave the door open in the middle of the winter season just to keep the room from being over ninety degrees. I have never had a rough experience in a hotel like that, so I cherish staying in hotels.