I dropped a cabinet on my air conditioner, as well as do not guess that it is going to work for much longer

Moving is not simple.

I have friends who are in the military, as well as they transport all of the time.I guess I was not made for that life because I have only had to transport once with my family, as well as it was rough.

My hubby is a entirely superb packer, but he had to work overtime during the month that we were packing up our house, so he could not help really much. My associate and I have three little ones, as well as they helped me as much as they could, but most of the time they just made more of a mess, and when we finally made it to our current home with all of our stuff, it was quite an ordeal to bring it all in. My hubby kept really calm, although I was a little tied up as well as he could tell. He told me to go relax while he carried the heavy stuff in, although I refused. I carried the air conditioner in which was not too heavy, but it was a little heavier than I should have been carrying considering I was pregnant. I was so miserable that I could only get the air conditioner inside the door. After that, I had to set it down for my hubby to carry the rest of the way upstairs. I then proceeded to carry a small cabinet in, although I tripped over something as well as dropped the cabinet onto the air conditioner. I also went down with the cabinet onto the air conditioner. Thankfully, the baby as well as I were just fine, but the air conditioner will never be the same. My associate and I have been using it for a couple of weeks now, but it makes some pretty unusual noises, as well as I do not guess that it will last much longer.


a/c care plan