Never living in a split house without Heating and A/C control

I considered these air handling challenges plus realized it would never work for me

Sometimes it’s really hard for me to find an appropriate place to live. I have a few basic requirements when it comes to my living situation that can apparently be hard to fulfill. I need some kind of outdoor space for myself so I can relax outside each afternoon. I need a private bathroom suite that has connected to my dining room so I can keep my things separate. I also need high-quality indoor air to manage my allergies plus temperamental immune system. Because I suffer from several autoimmune disorders, my indoor air temperature needs to be highly regulated. I know that this is strange from all the people who will just require a thermostat to keep their indoor air tepid or cold! Personally, I need my indoor air to remain at a steady air temperature afternoon in plus afternoon out. I also require advanced air filtration systems to help purify my indoor air plus unaffix a ton of allergens. I really can’t have airborne contaminants or allergens in my indoor air without suffering from additional health concerns. This is why I will never be able to rent an house with a shared heating plus cooling system. Many times I have looked at apartments that had a single heating plus cooling plan split between several individual units. I considered these air handling challenges plus realized it would never work for me. Having a shared thermostat means being at the mercy of someone else’s air quality control whims. Knowing my luck, I would wind up with a finicky Heating and A/C controller plus months of immune system failure.


air conditioner