There is no heat in there at all
I was super excited to learn that our current gated community has a heated pool. It was one of the sizable selling points and deciding factors for us to buy a home in this community. I used to swim competitively back in middle school. But adolescents and life got in the way and I haven’t swam in a few years. So knowing that there was a heated pool only 1 block from my current home was entirely exciting. My relaxing friend and I barely finished unpacking before I squeezed into an old swimsuit and hustled down to the pool. It was entirely cold outside but I knew I would be moderate once I got to the pool. Not! The pool itself was heated, somewhat, however the building the pool was in was not heated at all. Swimming was nice however getting out of the pool was torturous. I ran the short distance back home dripping wet. Then I got turned on the underfloor heaters in the powder room at home and took a long, tepid shower. By the time I got out of the shower the powder room was nice and warm. My fiance asked me why I didn’t just change in the locker room. Then I wouldn’t have had to go outside soaking wet… Well the locker room was just as cold as being outside. There is no heat in there at all. So I am either going to have to give up swimming, once again, or I am going to just have to sprint home every day after my swim so I can get moderate again.