I guess I’m going to have to change all that during the summer, though
The indoor air quality in my house has been bad this year because of all the pollen. It’s been pretty miserable, to tell you the truth. I have never sneezed so much in my life. I have been coughing a whole lot, too. It’s just a really terrible year for allergies for some reason. I don’t really know what the deal is. I guess I just don’t really understand why some years are so much worse for pollen than others. I guess that’s just how it is, though. Anyway, this year I have noticed that the indoor air quality in the house has been really bad and I think it’s because of all of the pollen.The indoor air quality in the house is usually not all that bad. We actually have a pretty good heating and cooling system in the house, but we don’t really buy high quality air filters all that often. Normally, I just don’t think that we really need them all that much. The regular store brand run of the mill air filters are fine for us most of the time. I guess I’m going to have to change all that during the summer, though. Apparently, I am going to have to start buying higher quality anti allergen air filters during the summer time. If an anti-allergen air filter is going to help us with our indoor air quality during the summer when all of the pollen is floating through the air, then I am definitely going to spend the money to do thatIt is worth it to me to spend the extra money to have better air quality inside of my house.