Watch out for bees!

Watch out for bees!

Well, that would be a lot easier if our air conditioner wasn’t literally resting on top of a beehive. As if there isn’tenough to be concerned about these afternoons, now obviously I have to be on the lookout for insects. I have never very been the type of lady who is bothered by a few

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Improving my AC situation after a movie inspiration

Improving my AC situation after a movie inspiration

I loved to watch a movie every weekend as a way of unwinding & enjoyable after a long week of laboring hard. This also allowed me to bond with my family, especially my daughter, whom I rarely see during the week because of both our busy schedules. She was in university & sometimes left the

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The boiler won’t work if the A/C is on

The boiler won’t work if the A/C is on

I woke up at 2 in the morning and noticed that cold air was blowing on my face. Periodically our boiler blows cold air for just a second before it turns warm. I waited several minutes and the air never turned warm. It just kept blowing cold air. I was particularly sleepy and had to

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The addition to our home will need additional ductwork

The addition to our home will need additional ductwork

I know that the addition to our home is going to need some additional ductwork once we get started, and I am a little bit concerned that it is going to end up pushing us over our budget. We have been saving up a lot of money over the past couple of years so that

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Conserving energy through our Heating & A/C systems

Conserving energy through our Heating & A/C systems

Just the other morning I decided to stay inside, relax & find a current show to watch. I went on my apple TV, went to a station & saw that there was a current documentary from one of my favorite celebrities. This documentary was about weather conditions change & how my associate and I are

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Causes of poor indoor air quality

Causes of poor indoor air quality

Spring is just around the corner and I couldn’t be more excited for the warm weather that will be upon us very soon. When the warm weather comes around I will swap out the winter clothes out of my closet and take the warmer clothes from upstairs and stick them in my closet. I find

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AC blowing directly over me at a restaurant

AC blowing directly over me at a restaurant

It was a Tuesday night in addition to I decided that would be a great night for a date night, but most people venture out to restaurants in addition to bars during the weekend but I am not a fan of crowds; Tuesdays are great afternoons to get great deals on tacos. My great friend

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Never living in a split apartment without HVAC control

Never living in a split apartment without HVAC control

Sometimes it’s really difficult for me to find an appropriate place to live. I have a few basic requirements when it comes to my living situation that can apparently be difficult to fulfill. I need some kind of outdoor space for myself so I can relax outside each day. I need a private bathroom suite

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Bought a dehumidifier for the bathroom

Bought a dehumidifier for the bathroom

I have to admit, I am the type of person who gets unquestionably overwhelmed and loses track of her life. I tend to find myself getting worried and overloaded throughout the year. At a particular point, I completely supply up on everything I need to accomplish. This is true when it comes to my cabin

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Bonding experience backfires.

Bonding experience backfires.

I have always been a little jealous of my sister plus her task. She is one of those corporate types that travels the world on a monthly basis plus I cherish hearing about her trips. I had to laugh when she called the other afternoon plus she was sad over her latest adventure. Apparently, her

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I want to know what temperature my cabin is at all times

I want to know what temperature my cabin is at all times

I study in the news that cats died in a boarding facility because the a/c failed. Apparently the owners of the facility all left for several hours. When they returned, they found all of the bored cats, plus their own cats, all deceased from heat exhaustion. This is just terrible. This is not the first

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HVAC winter time reds

HVAC winter time reds

My new system was much more involved than my old one plus I now have three separate zones so that I can save money on Heating plus Cooling spaces that are unoccupied This past winter time I made a new neighbor that I never expected to meet. It all started when my HVAC system broke

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Air conditioners needed in modern places

Air conditioners needed in modern places

I am a part of a pet group on social media. Many of the member are from the UK and they are experiencing a hotter than average Summer season. Many were complaining of the 85 degree hot and cold temperatures while it is well over 90 in the part of the US where I live

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