HVAC worker tried to sell my friend unnecessary services

HVAC worker tried to sell my friend unnecessary services

As a woman, I have personally experienced salespeople trying to sell me unnecessary products or services because they guess I am naive. This has mainly happened to me at the car dealership. I have observed that when my wife has been with me, the salespeople do not have the same conversations with me as they

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Pool is heated but locker room is not

Pool is heated but locker room is not

I was super excited to learn that our new gated community has a heated pool. It was one of the big selling points and deciding factors for us to buy a home in this community. I used to swim competitively back in high school. But kids and life got in the way and I haven’t

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I Decided to Clean My Air Ducts Myself

I Decided to Clean My Air Ducts Myself

The air in my house has been a little smelly, in addition to I’ve attributed it to my air ducts… I have a ton of air fresheners scattered throughout the house in addition to I’ve cleaned every surface, however the smell still lingers. I guess the smell is at its worst when the HVAC system

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I Got a Different Smart Thermostat For My Birthday

I Got a Different Smart Thermostat For My Birthday

When people began asking me what I wanted for my birthday last year, I always told them that I wanted a smart control unit, however after moving into my home, I was eager to replace the old and dated control unit on the wall, however unfortunately, the smart control unit had to take a backburner

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Online recommendations can be misleading

Online recommendations can be misleading

Additionally, something such as your HVAC system, would you have invested heavily in is not something that you want to leave to a person who is not certified or professionally trained Most consumers take advantage of online recommendations these days when looking for goods and services. If you hear about a product or service and

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My Heating, Ventilation, & A/C system is better than yours

My Heating, Ventilation, & A/C system is better than yours

Surely you know the joys of sibling rivalry. Even if you are an only child you are absolutely regular with this in some way or another. Maybe you had a best friend, or foe in school that you consistently had this type of relationship with. Anyway, the competition between my sister & I has consistently

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My first car did not have air conditioner

My first car did not have air conditioner

Growing up is not as fun as I once thought that it would be. I used to dream of being an adult when I was a young boy, although I wish that I would have just enjoyed being a child, and do not get me wrong, I did have times when I enjoyed being a

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Will filtration system stop overactive smoke detectors?

Will filtration system stop overactive smoke detectors?

The smoke detectors in my home are way too sensitive, they go off at least once a week for some reason or another. Whenever I cook, I have to open all the doors plus windows plus turn on the ceiling fan; Even this is not enough periodically! It is entirely aggravating too because it is

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Drain cleaning worked out fantastic

Drain cleaning worked out fantastic

Drainage has been a crucial issue in my house lately… The water down my sink drains so slowly. The tub water seems to be stuck in there forever… I get a lot of soap, grime, plus scud build up due to the slow draining water. I have tried cleaning around the drain plus using a

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Kids get punished with HVAC settings

Kids get punished with HVAC settings

I never want to be the sort of parent who is described as arbitrarily strict. If my kids want to know the reasoning behind the decisions and limitations that I make for them, I am happy to give them reasonable answers. In other words, I’m not going to be like my mom. She was the

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heating maintenance plans are good

heating maintenance plans are good

Keeping up with all of the household chores can be a difficult task, especially if you have young children to take care of. Some people opt for a handyman to repair things around the home as they just don’t have the time to do it themselves. Others can’t do that kind of manual labor for

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Pop up ads that drive you crazy

Pop up ads that drive you crazy

My mom keeps complaining about her computer. She lives five states away and I try and help her as much as I can over the phone. I really don’t mind because I know that searching for something can be difficult even for someone, like myself, who is always online. One thing that she is trying

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Numb fingers make it difficult to get work done

Numb fingers make it difficult to get work done

Working in a sales office can be easily hectic. My associate and I are always trying to entice current clients & much of the time is spent in meetings with them. Getting ready for those meetings takes up the rest of my work days. Before I can even set the appointment I have to do

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I Decided to Clean My Air Ducts Myself

I Decided to Clean My Air Ducts Myself

The air in my cabin has been a little smelly, and I’ve attributed it to my HVAC ducts. I have a ton of air fresheners scattered throughout the cabin and I’ve cleaned every surface, however the smell still lingers. I guess the smell is at its worst when the Heating as well as Air Conditioning

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I Made The Biggest HVAC Sale

I Made The Biggest HVAC Sale

In college, I always had two or three jobs while taking classes full time in order to pay the bills. During my sophomore year, I was offered a job with an HVAC company in town. Someone in my class had been working for them on the side and they were trying to find someone to

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